Frequently Asked Questions

Most frequent questions and answers

What are orphange scams in African countries

Orphanage scams in African countries involve deceptive practices where vulnerable families are misled into placing their children in institutions that promise better care and opportunities but often deliver neglect and exploitation instead.

Why doesn't the government intervene?

The orphanage scam persists due to insufficient oversight and regulation in many African regions. While some governments are taking action, the scale and complexity of the issue pose challenges. 

Why would parents willingly give up their children?

Orphanage scams typically find children in impoverished communities where families are struggling to provide basic necessities. Families may reluctantly consider giving up their children due to promises of better education, ample food, and foreign donor connections, hoping for a brighter future. However, these promises often turn out to be deceptive, leaving families and children trapped in a tragic cycle.

How is GIO able to combat these scams in the absence of government intervention?

GIO takes a proactive approach by building collaborative relationships with local leaders, the police force, and community influencers. These partnerships enable us to identify deceptive orphanages, facilitate reunifications, and advocate for stronger regulation. While government intervention is limited, our efforts are aimed at making a tangible impact in protecting children and supporting legitimate orphanages

Is it possible for parents to reunite with their children?

Families are tragically torn apart when they place their children in these deceptive orphanages. Often, parents find it extremely challenging to reunite with their children, as the children are usually isolated from their families and kept incommunicado. This separation adds to the heartbreak, leaving many families in despair. However, our organization works tirelessly to facilitate reunifications and ensure children are placed in legitimate orphanages where their welfare is prioritized.

How can GIO assist me in ensuring that the orphanage I'm contributing to is genuinely legitimate?

GIO takes a proactive approach by building collaborative relationships with local leaders, the police force, and community influencers. These partnerships enable us to identify deceptive orphanages, facilitate reunifications, and advocate for stronger regulation. While government intervention is limited, our efforts are aimed at making a tangible impact in protecting children and supporting legitimate orphanages